How do you access a specific version of a parameter from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

This was a bit tricky to find and doesn’t seem to be well documented.

    // version number below can be a number, i.e. 3 or a label
    let params = {
      Name: "/path/to/parameter:<version-number>",
      WithDecryption: false

    ssm.getParameter(params, function (err, data) {
      if (err) console.error(err, err.stack);
      else console.log(data)

WARN – Missing artifact descriptor for XXX

Working on an Arquillian test deployment which had some library changes recently, I ran into the following error.

WARN - Missing artifact descriptor for org.javassist:javassist:jar:3.16.1-GA

The particular library was in the pom.xml dependency hierarchy but it was resolving to an earlier  version. Maven was switched to offline mode during the tests and I had never needed this version of the library before. This meant  that the local version of my maven repository did not have jar and maven emits it slightly unhelpful error. It would be better if it told us that it could not find the artifact and since its in offline mode, can’t go and retrieve it.

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Automating Code Analysis with Hudson [1115]

As part of setting up continuous integration and automated builds and source analysis, the next step is to integrate in the source analysis parts.

To this end, I installed the following plugins:

Task Scanner

After restarting Hudson, there are a few additional configuration bits to complete.

I added an additional build step and set the goal as

checkstyle:checkstyle findbugs:findbugs pmd:pmd

I then enabled the four plugins, saved, ran a build and et voila… Just like magic


Hudson / Jenkins and Continuous Integration [1114]

Fair Warning: This is more notes for me to remember and document how to do these things rather than particularly detailed instructions. Therefore, it might be missing sections and will assume a reasonable knowledge of hudson/jenkins and not to mention the benefits of continuous integration and builds.

Installing hudson / jenkins is easy enough. I deployed as part of a pre-existing tomcat6 installation so was as simple as popping the war file into the webapps folder. Tomcat automatically started it up without issues.

I chose to have hudson use /home/hudson as its home directory. Since I am running an ubuntu system, I added a line into /etc/defaults/tomcat6. There are various other ways of doing this but it was a quick fix for me.

You of course need to make sure the directory exists. I also popped in a .m2 folder from my home directory to save it from downloading all the various jar files and included a settings.xml file with appropriate configurations.

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Directed Acyclic Graphs and Executing Tasks in Order (and in Parallel) Based on Dependencies [1107]

A little while ago, there was a requirement to write a tool that could take a number of tasks each with a set of dependencies and execute them in parallel while taking the dependencies into account.

The tasks themselves were meant for data migration but that is not particularly relevant. We were writing a number of tasks which all had a set of dependencies (some of the tasks did not have any dependencies or the process could of course never start).

It was assumed that there were no cyclic dependencies (which would be error in this particular case anyway)

Bearing in mind that this was a quick and dirty tool for use three times, some of the bits in here could do with tidying up.

Each task was defined to implement the following interface

public interface Task extends Runnable {

	public String getName();

	public Set getDependencies();


It should all be self explanatory. Extending the Runnable interface ensure that we can pass it into threads and other relevant bits of code. The getDependencies is expected to return the name of the tasks that it depends on.

The basic task runner which I describe below does not check if the task described in any list of dependencies actually exist. If an non-existing dependency is defined, it will likely just throw a Null Pointer Exception. I wrote this a long time ago, so don’t actually remember.

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