Bazel + Pulumi Automation API. Deploying an inline stack along with Pulumi.[stack].yaml

I believe in CI/CD/CD as in Continuous, integration, delivery and deployment. As part of this, I am setting up a workflow where on merge to develop (or main/trunk), the deployment is triggered automatically. Pulumi deploys the current state of code and infrastructure through GitHub actions and OpenID Connect(OIDC) as part of the GitHub Action.

I used to configure Pulumi to be triggered directly from the build process, but bazel (as far I know), does not support Pulumi. When I used pants, there was a custom module, developed by one of the community members which did support pulumi (You might have to ask in the slack channel if you’re interested), but they stopped maintaining it as they moved to the Pulumi Automation API.

I am using Automation API from the start, and configuring a “deployer” per product/project within the monorepo. The intention is for the deployer to be as smart as possible – eventually up-ing only the stacks that have changes since the last time- but that’s a way down the line.

Another benefit from the Automation API is to pick up the stack outputs automatically when running integration/e2e tests, making the test configuration smoother.

The first step is to be able to define a stack within a product, hook it into the main iac executable and have it working. My directory structure is roughly as below: While I am using golang as my language of choice, it’s probably not hugely different in other languages.

  • products
    • productA
      • auth
        • iac_auth
          • BUILD
          • deploy.go
          • Pulumi.yaml
        • OtherAuthModules
      • iac
        • BUILD
        • main.go


# load etc.
    name = "iac_auth",
    srcs = ["deploy.go"],
    data = glob([
    ]) + [
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    deps = [
       # dependencies automated with gazelle


package iac_sync

import (

const moduleName = "auth"

func DeployGithubLambda(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {

	conf := config.Require(ctx, "key")
	fmt.Printf("conf: %s\n", conf) // Will successfully pick up the value if key is in Pulumi.<stack>.yaml

    // Actual deployment code here

    return nil


# other config including standard config of :iac_lib by gazelle

    name = "iac",
    args = [
        "$(location //products/productA/auth/iac_auth)",
    data = [
    embed = [":iac_lib"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

Worth noting the args bit, which is what we use to identify the path where the Pulumi.yaml and Pulumi.<stack>.yaml files are:


package main

import (
	iacAuth ""

func main() {

	// Pick up the path from args
	var iacAuthPath = flag.String("iac_auth", "", "bin for iac_auth")
	fmt.Printf("param iac: %s \n", *iacAuthPath)

	ctx := context.Background()

	projectName := "gitolink"
	stackName := "dev"

	stack, err := auto.NewStackInlineSource(ctx,
		// Define workdir for locatin of the Pulumi yaml files

	preview, err := stack.Preview(ctx)


You might also have to use RLocation (see my previous post about including an artifact in another target for an example of this), though when I tried it, it was missing one of the yaml files and I didn’t investigate further.

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